Mega Fatty

Alicante, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain  
Mega Fatty 5 years
Mega Fatty 5 years
Mega Fatty 5 years
For the past 2 months I have eaten 2 litres of chocolate ice cream every night, it feels amazing smiley)
Mega Fatty 5 years
Mega Fatty 5 years
new gainer entry created
fat bum + belly
Mega Fatty 5 years
Mega Fatty 5 years
Mega Fatty 5 years
Mega Fatty 6 years
I'm on my 4th 2 litre tub of ice cream today, it feels so good smiley
Mega Fatty 6 years
Feeling good in my new XXXXXXL baggy jeans
Mega Fatty 6 years
I can't believe how much fun I'm having gaining weight smiley
Mega Fatty 6 years
Mega Fatty 6 years
weightgain forum
Gay Gainer?
Mega Fatty 6 years
new topic in weightgain forum
too dominant
I love eating and gaining, but I met a guy that wasn't just into feeding, things got violent, he became very abusive and eventually left, after a 6 month relationship, I didn't trust anyone anymore...
Mega Fatty 6 years
Yes another 2 litres of ice cream, another 3520 calories :))
Mega Fatty 6 years
Mega Fatty 6 years
Mega Fatty 6 years
Mega Fatty 6 years
Does anyone know what the rough cals are for a small chicken?
The Muffin King 6 years