
By the time I was a teenager I became pretty aware that I had a preference for thickness.. but the idea of fattening someone up didn't really start to take hold until I was in my early twenties. I'm old enough that most of this discovery occurred in the pre-internet era for me. lol Once I started going online in my mid twenties and discovering this world it became a lot more real for me. For the first time I felt as though my desires were more than just fantasies, that they could actually be attainable in life.
2 years

Story fatige

Writing a synopsis/outline for yourself at the onset of a story I think is the best way to get to the end of a draft. Everyone has their own methods I suppose. I actually write mine out like a numbered list (EX: 1. guy meets girl, 2. they go on a date, 3. they live happily ever after... etc.)

That said, its still easy to lose momentum on a project. When that happens for me, more often than not I end up abandoning the project, and I never put anything if I don't already have a beginning, middle and end for my story that is at least adequately satisfying.
2 years

Love stuffing, can’t stand eating noises

When I was a young teen I can remember getting kind of grossed out hearing my family eating at the dinner table. lol I had a lot of issues around food growing up anyway, and I think that played into it. As I've gotten older and found more pleasure in both eating and feeding, I've come to appreciate those sounds more (some more than others.)

Frankly I think a lot of it has to do with my state of arousal at the moment. If I'm just having dinner with some people and I hear chewing, lip smacking, belching, etc. it doesn't really do anything for me (it might even gross me out a little if its really extreme.) However, in the heat of passion these sounds can actually really get me revved up even more - I guess it all depends on the context, and I think that its very normal (at least from what I've read and heard anecdotally) for things that would normally repulse us seem to get less repulsive and more alluring when we are turned on.
2 years

Stretch marks nice or not

I can't say I've ever seen a stretch mark I didn't love.
2 years

Fetishism & faith?

I think that anyone who has ever been involved in Christianity (or most any other mainstream sect of an organized religion) has at some point struggled with resisting the temptations of carnal pleasures in favor of what they might perceive to be a life of righteousness and spirituality. I can remember being a teenager, sitting in church with my family, trying to listen to the pastor's sermon - all the while my mind drifting off and getting lost in visions beautiful curvy women and all the things I'd like to have done with them. I'd shake my head and snap out of it, saying to myself, "God, what is wrong with me? Why am I having these sexual thoughts when I am supposed to be having this 'holy experience' with my family and fellow parishioners?"

Well the answer to that questions is simple: I was a teenager. What teenage boy doesn't think about his Johnson 24/7? Not too many, certainly not in this hyper-sexualized society in which we live.

I'm not going to engage you in a discussion of your personal theology or faith, as clearly you have your own views and you know where you stand. We all travel our own path in this world, and I believe that our "religion" in the end is just our relationship with our God, our maker, our selves, the universe - however you want to look at it. If you are a man of faith as you say, then you must believe that God put you where you are and made you the man you are for a reason.

Is there a reason why God would want you to engage in feeding someone? Is there a reason God would want you to prefer the look and feeling of a larger, fatter body, either on yourself or a partner? Does your presence here on Fantasy Feeder somehow fulfill part of God's plan for you? I don't think there is a right or wrong answer to any of these questions; whatever you feel in your heart is what is meant for you.

It's all about finding the right balance in life, isn't it? Our fetishes aren't a big deal until they are; if anyone part of who we are starts taking over and keeping us from feeling like a whole and fulfilled person, well that's a problem.

One thing I think is absolutely and ironically important to note: I've known a good number of Christians who were very overweight and chronic overeaters. It may seem like a broad and unfair generalization, but from my experience a lot of these fat Christians were overeating as a means of stuffing-down or sedating some desire within themselves that they feel goes against God's will or is in someway sinful. I've seen it a hundred times: a parishioner getting bigger and fatter, until they finally either come out of the closet as gay, or they divorce an abusive spouse they were afraid to leave, or somehow own up to and confront some inner-conflict they've been having.

I think a lot us here might fall into that category as well - but I digress.

We all walk our own path in life, and we all have to find a balance in life that works for us. What works for us, will work for God - I can almost guarantee it. Wherever your path leads you, @kaede45, I hope it brings you peace.
2 years

Thinking of making a zine

I have no experience but I LOVE the idea - I love Zines! I feel like they were already vanishing when I really got to the age to appreciate them, they were kind of gone almost... It is so great to see them having a comeback in a small way!

As a kid in junior high, I used to make a little comic zine filled with the twisted sort of humor that thirteen year old boys love. I never made copies of it and distributed it though, I only passed it around to my friends. Part of me feels like I missed my calling by never pursuing it further. Now that I am finally comfortable with sharing my art and stories with the community, it seems like it might be a good time to get back into it.

The question would be, I suppose, is would the same folks who are willing to check my stuff out online be willing to order a paper-product and wait for it? Is there a crossover between the BBW/BHM/FA/WG scene and the "zine" collector fanbase?
2 years

Thinking of making a zine

This is something I've wanted to do since I was a kid. Something that combines my artwork, poetry, stories and other ramblings. Maybe even some graphic-novel serial comics and some music.

Anyone here have experience with something like this?
2 years

Older people with this fetish

Yup. That's the difference of time. I don't know a world without the internet. Well, except my early childhood. If I wanna know something, I'll simply google it. If I wanna watch something, I'll google it. If I wanna learn something, I'll google it.

We really do live in an amazing time. Never have we as a species had more access to more information than we do right now. We also, unfortunately have easy access to a lot of bad data and misinformation (ie: bullshit) than we have ever had. It's never been easier to get truthful messages out to the world, but its equally as easy to propagandize and gaslight people.

While our public library system (here in the US at least) is largely a social program run by state and local governments, the libraries which were once our only reliable source of information are full of data from a wide variety of sources and authors. Google, which as you have indicated is by far the most widely used search engine on the planet right now, is a corporate entity run by a relatively small group of individuals. That's a lot of data running through a very small funnel.

I'm not hating on Google; I use it often myself. But in the current climate, we must still do our due diligence to see that we can verify from multiple sources that the things that we "Google" are indeed the whole truth. I'll be happy to see if in the future we can build a more just, truthful and informative internet - one that works for the common good more than it works for commerce.

Not to get too far off topic, but I'm often amazed at what I see young musicians and artists doing today. These are kids who (many of them at least) clearly are self-taught and learned a lot just from watching videos, listening to music and looking at art. There is just so much at our fingertips now. I often wonder what my life would have been like I had a grown up in a world where I had all of that data available for free at the click of a button.

The last part of your post is kinda deep. I like that! It sounds like a real advice for the life in general, not only regarding that.

Being self aware and being mindful is so important. When we find ourselves having an emotional reaction to something, its so important that we ask ourselves why we think we are feeling what we feel. Where do these feelings come from? Before we just react and act out, we should know why and we should be able to anticipate what the consequences of our actions will be.
2 years

Older people with this fetish


I remember the magic of discovering places like dimensions and stuffedonline... You could read stories other people had written. I wish I still had copies of some of those stories.

Wow! My mind is blown!! I forgot all about 'Stuffed Online' It was a trip to look at that archive link and thumb through the forums a bit. I tried to look and see if I could find any of my old posts (because I'm almost certain I posted there at least once or twice.) No luck thought. Still, what a trip to see that page again, as well as some of the old names that I recognize. Thanks for that trip back in time, @wolffeeder!
2 years

Older people with this fetish

It is fascinating to see how differently young people who have never known a world without the internet see the world and process information. For me, the internet didn't really exist until I was in my early twenties, and I really didn't start to become active online until my mid-to-late twenties. It was at this time that I discovered terms like "feeder" and "FA" - I had always felt and thought about what those things meant, but I never realized that there were enough people out there who also had those same thoughts and feelings that it would necessitate actual terminology.

To be certain, the idea of people getting pleasure from food and drink, from feeding and overeating, from gaining weight and getting fat - are not new concepts by any means. Since ancient times people have enjoyed these things. From the Venus of Willendorf, the wild and glutinous orgies of Ancient Rome, the plush full figured women painted by Renaissance artists like Reubens, to the now well known fattening and inflation scenes of pre-internet twentieth century animation and film (Chow Hound, Pigs is Pigs, Willy Wonka, Charlotte's Web, etc.) - someone was getting excited by all of this. It would be naive to think otherwise.

My own fascination with fatness was awakened at an early age by some of those movies and cartoons I mentioned earlier. By the time I reached puberty in the mid 1980s, I was keeping sketchbooks and journals where I could write and draw the fantasies that I had in my mind. At that time, I really had no idea that there was anyone else on earth who thought about or got turned on by the same kinds of things.

As a very young man I can recall hearing the term "chubby chaser" being tossed around, referring to a man who had an apparent preference for a larger woman (it wasn't until later that this term would be used more commonly among gay men.) With this term there seemed to be a sort of connotation that these men were interested in fat women in spite of their weight/size rather than because of it however.

At some point in my late teens or early twenties, before I got online I discovered some magazines like Buf and Juggs that had some stories and layouts which celebrated larger figures and even made some references to weight gain. Some of these were still kind of crudely exploitive and done in more of a jocular way than being overtly sexual (in line with some novelty gag items featuring fat women at a place like Spencer Gifts.)

So yes, even though I had some clue that I was not the only man on earth who dreamed about being with a sexy fat woman - watching her eat and get fatter - getting online and finding communities like this one is what made me realize just how widespread and common it really was. I'm very grateful to know that I am not alone, although in the end I know that my journey through this part of my life is mine and only mine.

In the end its up to each of us to decide what these feelings really mean to us. The internet can give us lots of pictures and videos to look at, and can allow us to share our stories and experiences with one another - but going to the source and discovering where these feelings and desires really come from is what will allow us to really own them, and from there decide what to do with them.
2 years
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