What does fat symbolize to you?

Fatness is softness and comfort. It's safety and protection; whether it is you or your partner (ideally both) who are fat, surrounding yourself with excess adipose is like wrapping yourself up in a big, soft, warm and heavy blanket.

The intimacy of allowing oneself to be fat or get fat for someone, or someone letting themselves get fatter for you is unparalleled. When embraced wholly and lovingly, the bond shared in loving the soft and protective comfort of fatness is one that can't be broken.
7 months

Anyone else with this fetish struggle with an eating disorder?

As a teen I was very slender, and I was very restrictive of my eating, especially in front of other people. I would sometime refuse to eat when I was with my family, but I would totally sneak junk food and eat alone in my room, and I would privately fantasize both about fattening up myself and others. It was a time in my life when I felt as though I had no control over anything, and I think that this behavior was a way for me to feel like I was taking control over something.
1 year

Lets play a game of never have i ever (for feedees and gainers)


1. Been fed IRL

2. Ate myself to sleep

3. Had sex while being fed at the same time

4. Stolen food because I'm just a piggy
Yes (*blush*)

5. Been called a fat name in public

6. Had a stranger pat or poke my belly

7. Been fatter than my current weight

8. Ripped clothes or popped a button

9. Broken furniture because of my weigh

10. Seen an actual pig and got turned on
Mmm, no not a real one. lol

11. Fantasized about immobility

12. Ate until I threw up
No (but I've drunk malt liquor till I threw up lol)

13. Got stuck somewhere because of my size
No - not that I can recall anyway

14. Posted nudes of myself online

15. Been fed online

16. Been told I need to lose weight by a family member

17. Had a partner who worshiped my fat

18. Started rubbing my belly in public
No - not that I'm aware of at least.

19. Been called a pig
Yes (playfully of course)

20. Been weighed and measured by my partner

21. Been in a gaining competition with another gainer
1 year

Changing perspectives

I started writing out a draft of a new story idea this afternoon, and for some reason it just felt so awkward to me. Like I knew what I wanted to say, but it just wasn't flowing the way it should be - felt unnatural somehow.

I started writing it in third person omniscient because I thought it would be useful to have access to the thoughts and feelings of all the characters. But now I'm thinking it might work better as a first person narrative. Like maybe having one main character to whom we are privy to all his thoughts and feelings exclusively might make him/her/them more endearing somehow.

Any other writers have an experience like this? What are your thoughts?
1 year

For fat art, do you prefer fanart or original characters?

But what if it is fan art of your original character? Then what?

Oh, I'm so lost today, I think I need some milkshake to help me think.

I supposed I'd be flattered if someone chose to draw some "fan art" of one or more of my characters. I'll be the first to admit that as a self-taught/untrained artist that my sense of character design lacks the sophistication of many others, but I am always pleased when someone reacts positively to something I've created, even if it's just a nice "thumbs up" or encouraging comment.

Enjoy your milkshake, Emily. smiley
1 year

For fat art, do you prefer fanart or original characters?

Another one here to chime in with "OC." Sometimes I wish I could do "fan art" because so many people do seem to like (whether they're fattened versions or not) but I guess for me there really is no well-known franchise or series that I'm such a big fan of that I'd want to spend anytime recreating the characters. I'm for more interested in developing my own characters, especially since I'm a writer as well as an artist/illustrator.
1 year

Coming to terms with being into feederism

Are you currently in a relationship with someone long-term? If not, the best advice I'd give is don't waste energy worrying about something that hasn't happened yet. If you are in a relationship with someone, and you both truly care for one another, then you need to be honest with that person and tell them how you truly feel.

When it comes down to it, feedism or any fetish is a deeply imprinted part of who we are, but that's all it is -- a part. It's not the whole, we are so much more than this. Love between two people is a complex thing; we learn to love a partner for their strengths and we learn to accept their weaknesses, and in time we come to love them for all that they are.

In seeking out a partner, ideally we try and find someone we are compatible with in as many ways as possible, including all manner of sexuality. A potential partner may not be as fully immersed into this fetish as you or someone else might be, but if they are open minded enough and you have a strong enough emotional foundation, then I truly believe it is possible to have a strong relationship and share a sexual connection with that person.

Relationships are hard, no matter who you are. Introducing something like this can make things more complicated, no doubt about it, but it isn't a curse or a cross to bear. With the right person, it can be a wonderful experience to share. Not only do you need to find someone who is open to accepting all that you are, but YOU have to be open as well: open to accepting yourself (which it sounds like you've been working on - good!) open to giving and receiving love, and open to accepting the perceived "flaws" quirks and other personality traits of others. You've got to know your boundaries, what you can and cannot accept for yourself, and you've got to be ready to experience a journey and share your life with someone else. Nothing worth having will come easy, and no strong relationship was built overnight. Be patient, be kind to yourself, and open yourself up to what the universe has in store for you.

I wish you the best of luck!
1 year

What is it about feederism that turns you on?

Alwasy been a people pleaser and it makes me happy when others are happy.
and the people around me seem to be h appy when the cause me to eat.

This resonates with me. I love idea of Feedism being an intimate shared experience. Feeding is an act of love, and I love the idea of someone allowing me to love them in that way. I feel that allowing yourself to get fat is one of the sexiest and most loving and intimate things you could do for someone else. I am as thrilled with the idea of someone gaining for my pleasure just as much as I love the idea of gaining myself for the pleasure of a partner.
2 years

Do you think it’s possible to find love with this fetish?

It's always possible to find love. Hanging on to it is the hard part.
2 years
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