
What does fat symbolize to you?

Masculine power. A belly on a man signifies authority in the same way muscular biceps do.
8 months

What does fat symbolize to you?

Beauty, softness, comfort, something to conquer and play with
8 months

What does fat symbolize to you?

My wordy & poorly thought out take on things:

Fact #1: Skin is the most attractive organ of the body.
Fact #2: A fat person is probably gonna have more skin than others on account of fat not existing outside of said person's least I hope not.

The sheer amount of skin and its lovely soft compliance is wonderful to smush up against...sooo much contact!

Other fun anecdotes include:
Why does one like bewbs? Soft, round and jiggly.
And how about butts? Soft, round and jiggly.
So if other body parts are soft, round and jiggly...that's good right?

7 months

What does fat symbolize to you?

Fatness is softness and comfort. It's safety and protection; whether it is you or your partner (ideally both) who are fat, surrounding yourself with excess adipose is like wrapping yourself up in a big, soft, warm and heavy blanket.

The intimacy of allowing oneself to be fat or get fat for someone, or someone letting themselves get fatter for you is unparalleled. When embraced wholly and lovingly, the bond shared in loving the soft and protective comfort of fatness is one that can't be broken.
7 months

What does fat symbolize to you?

I was just curious what people's mental associations with fat are, besides the obvious fact that it turns them on? And do you think these are somehow connected to the reason that you have this fetish?

I've always thought of bigger guys as somehow strong, cuddly protectors. Like, it makes me feel safe to have one on (or by) my side. Beyond that, cooking and eating can be emotionally charged and intimate acts even for vanilla people. To see a person who wears extra signs of that on their body conjures up those same associations for me. Also, people who know how to eat seem like people who know how to have a good time in general.


Luxury, extravagance, hedonism, greed, gluttony.
7 months

What does fat symbolize to you?

To me fat is comfort, indulgence, and most of all control. I'm not letting other people tell me how I should look, what I should eat, or how much anymore. I indulge in whatever I feel like eating, until I'm fully satisfied, and my body shows it. My flab is a monument to self-indulgence and a rejection of society's attempts to shove me in a box.
7 months
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