Follow the progress of real life weight gainers as they fatten up towards their desired goals.


8 years
Yep only 20 more pounds until I reach my first goal! :D I think it's the heavy whipping cream sneaking up on me. ;) Of course I'd love to weigh way more than 200 lbs. someday though! I&ap...
+1lbs, currently: 180lbs, goal: 250lbs
2 entries
8 years
9 lbs in 2 months, finally 250, gonna keep eating, see where it'll go.
+9lbs, currently: 252lbs, goal: 300lbs
2 entries
8 years
+11lbs, currently: 185lbs, goal: 250lbs
1 entry
8 years
Got a wonderful feeder and I'm really ballooning up!! Stay tuned for my progress!
+10lbs, currently: 235lbs, goal: 330lbs
5 entries
So I'm new to gaining, I recently started college and decided to let myself get as far as I can! I started around 140 pounds when I turned 18 and now I'm at 170 pounds and hope to be arou...
+30lbs, currently: 170lbs, goal: 0lbs
1 entry
So my last entry I saw was wrong for whatever reason and my starting weight was 275 or so. Having double checked with an online calc and converted my kg I have lost 4kg (9lbs ish) in almost two we...
-9lbs, currently: 264lbs, goal: 220lbs
1 entry
8 years
Been stuck around 270 for around 2 months now kinda sucks....
+5lbs, currently: 275lbs, goal: 350lbs
1 entry
8 years
Ate a bunch over the past three weeks and was able to gain 10 pounds!
+10lbs, currently: 150lbs, goal: 250lbs
2 entries
8 years
I am slowly getting there.
+0lbs, currently: 448lbs, goal: 799lbs
1 entry
8 years
Over the last month and a half, I've managed to put on ten pounds! I'm very excited, as I'm getting closer to my first goal: 200 pounds. Ultimately I'd love to get to 350+ pound...
+10lbs, currently: 190lbs, goal: 200lbs
1 entry