Is there any feeder that has fed someone to death or immobility

To DEATH? 😨 I knew some people had immobility fantasies, but killing someone is a whole other game...

John Smith:
It's actually a thing. Just google up "woman wants to eat to death" or write down the hashtag "deathfeederist" on Feabie. There has some people who lives up to this kink like an extreme sport, just for sports (pun intended) .

There has dozens of feedees, both male and especially female, who already passed away over the decades for the sake to figure out how turned on would they be once there has nothing left about their bodies but cascading layers of blubber expanded beyond what is humane. And they are willing to die for these orgasmic emotions... this is by the way the reason why feederism is so badly perceived by popular opinion in various countries: anytime someone hears "feederism" , they visualize death feederists and some creepy, abusive trailer-park male partner or dark skinned immigrant in needs of some green card.

And there currently have dozens of others who are already on their way to hit a last nail to their own supersized coffins. Many of them are active members on this very forum.

I can do that and more for my feedee's but only if we both sign a contract that make's the death of that feedee not a murder or an accomplice to the feeder when law is involved.
2 years

Is anyone here serious about going for the extremes?

For me there are no limits/extreme's, what there are is a need to help my feedee achieve their goal's.
2 years

Anyone interested in death feederism

I wish to find a deathfeedee in real life to truly feed to death.
2 years

Fat roll fucking

Sound's like an ideal beginning, middle, and end to sexual fun between 2 or more people.
2 years

Belly button fucking

I feel this is an extremely underrated act/form of intimacy, especially in Feedism.

Literally fattening up your partner until their belly provides a new source of pleasure. Reminding them what a good, greedy piggy they’ve been, that they’re so gluttonous that their belly is a new hole to fuck. And then leaving a nice, warm, dripping mess in their belly button.

10/10 would do again and again

Yes as the feeder all the way.
2 years

Bdsm fat

The best kind of Bondage for a Feedee is their own fat.
2 years

Share your dark fantasies

I'm the servant of some sweet, spoiled, indulgent young lady. A woman who, though pretty and slender, loves nothing more than to stuff her tummy full with fatty foods.

Her parents, afraid that their beautiful girl might embarrass them by eating herself into an obese butterball, keep her on a strict diet. They allow her not a single crumb of her beloved fatty foods.

Fortunately for the hungry young woman I'm only too willing to keep her happy and full. I bring her all the fattening goodies she could ever want. I make sure that, when she's hungry, she can always find some sweet little treat hidden away for her. Soon she's stuffing her face whenever her parents are out of sight.

It's not long before her gluttonous ways start to affect her figure. Her slim waist starts to swell, her lean body growing round and soft.

Her parents are not slow to notice the change in their daughter's appearance. They try to make her see sense, to make her lose weight. But their insensitive comments only drive her to eat more. From time to time they might catch her in the middle of a binge, but she never tells them where she got the food. She knows that if I'm found out she might never again be able to eat any of the unhealthy treats to which she's grown so addicted.

As her body swells, becoming heavier and harder for her to carry, she finds herself getting lazier, growing constantly more sluggish and out of shape. It takes so little to wear her out. She just doesn't have the energy to do anything but lie around and eat. Her parents have given up on her. She's become a fat embarrassment, a shameful secret to be hidden away from the world.

As she grows I start to tease her. When we're alone any hint of proper deference disappears. I call her a fat pig, an overfed manatee of a woman. I mock and humiliate her for how far she's let herself go, for what a hungry fatty she's turned herself into. No longer content to merely watch her eat I start to force feed her, to stuff her until she can't take another bite. Having long since grown too huge and hungry to resist she has no choice but to eat as I tell her to.

Yes to it all, as the feeder.
2 years

Share your dark fantasies

Being kidnapped and chained up in an empty room, while my captor shows up for daily stuffing sessions, sometimes leaving me with a tube down my throat which slowly fills me with fatty chocolaty cream.

I helplessly watch my body grow fatter, bulges oozing out day by day. One morning I wake up to find myself unchained, and I make a dash for freedom. My body jiggles with every move, but I make it the only opening avaiable - an oval shaped hole in the padded wall.

I dive through, wriggling desperately to gain freedom, but my newly gained flab betrays me. My overfed paunch won't fit, and eventually I'm trapped, my belly caught in the opening.

Once my captor shows up he finds my lower half in the room, and I suddenly feel him shoving and pushing, kneading my fat belly through the wall. Thinking I'm finally being released I push on... but with a soft thumping sound, my belly is replaced by my massive hips and ass, surging up against the wall inside like a cork in a bottle.

That's when I realize it's all part of his plan - my belly now sags down on one side, nearly touching the floor, and effectively locking me in place... trapped between it and my jiggling backside, halfway through the wall.

There I am utterly helpless to my captor, who now has complete access to my naked backside. And the feeding won't stop - with every stuffing, my body grows fatter, oozing further around the wall, trapping me more tightly and hopelessly each passing day.

And I eventually succumb to my new trapped existence, and embrace it... as if I had a choice.

But me as the captor.
2 years

Anyone else dreamt of being kidnapped and fattened to death since they were young?

There is a difference of dreaming it and doing it. Other wise yes I do dream of kidnapping and feeding my feedee to death but only if they want it.
2 years
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