Lets play a game of never have i ever (for feedees and gainers)

1. Been fed in real life.

2. Ate myself to sleep

3. Had sex while being fed
No but god I'd love to

4. Stolen food because your a piggy
off of a stranger’s plate in a restaurant
5. Been called fat in public?

6. Had a stranger poke your belly

7. Been fatter than Your current weight

8. Ripped clothes or popped buttons

9. Broken furniture

10. Seen an actual pig, and turned on by its round, hanging belly?
No. Ew

11. Fantasies about Immobility

12. Ate until you almost threw up.

13. Got stuck somewhere because of your size

14. Posted Nudes of yourself online

15. Been fed online

16. Been told to lose weight by family

17. Had a partner who worshipped your fat

18. Rubbed my belly in public

19. Been called a pig

20. Been measured or weighed by someone

21 Been in a gaining competition
4 years

My experiences being fat

I too love the feelings that you have for I have them as well. I love “slouching” with my way too tight pants undone while sitting in a chair. Also love it when my pants or even sweats are so uncomfortably tight that I not only have to undone the button and zipper but I also have to try and fit my hand down my pants to pull my blubber up and out. And for ALL to see! Good times.
4 years

Bounce & jiggles in public

I love going to public places in tight clothing knowing that my belly is barely being contained under my way too tight shirt. I'm quite curious if anyone here, especially females, love wearing tight/revealing clothing in public?
4 years

Sf feeder needed

Me too! Wish you weren't in Norcal, I'd love to feed & be fed by you.
4 years

Vacation time just to eat?

Although I didn't hit 200 lbs I got close @ 198.6lbs. I shocked even my own self at how much food I was able to eat. So you could say that it was a success.
4 years

Vacation time just to eat?

Thank you for the positive feedback. Beginning weight.
4 years

Vacation time just to eat?

Most people take time off of work to go on a vacation whether it be a local trip, a trip abroad or a staycation. Well not this girl. Today is my 1st paid day off of thirteen & guess what? The only real plan I've got is to eat like I've never really eaten before! Don't get me wrong, when I scheduled this time off months ago I had a real vacation planned. But do to unforeseen circumstances those plans were can cancelled. So now my plans have changed & I'm ok with it. But, believe me when I say that this is going to be a great vacation/staycation. In fact, I'm referring to this time off as my own personal FATCATION! There will be a bit of relaxation with a whole lot of eating as the main focus! Let the stuffing & added pounds begin because I'm HUNGRY & my belly is in need. ?
4 years

Skinny people who became fat?

I was skinny all my life until a few years ago. I started, slowly, packing on the pounds. I never wanted to get over 175lbs. But I'm currently at 188lbs and I'm loving every added pound and inch.
4 years

Sucking it in

I've sucked it in all my life, especially around my family. I feel that that's about to change due to the fact that it's now at the point where I can't suck it in really. I LOVE letting it hang out in public though.
4 years
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