Who is open about their feederism?

I'm not exactly "open" about it but I'm not "closed" about it either. I've only been with bigger people and they've always gotten bigger while they were with me, so to my friends and family it's likely not a secret about that part. They don't know about the fetish/kink-type stuff that goes along with it though, but if they asked about it I would talk to them about it.
1 year

Female feeder.

Are there many female feeders on ff?
Are you one or you know one?

Female feeders are a thing, but this is a terrible way to get them. Female feeders are people. You don't summon them with a mating call.

Exactly this.
1 year

Anyone in washington state?

I'm a bit north of Seattle, but hello!
1 year

Tires for sex

Yes, definitely.
1 year

What are people up to?

Drinking coffee, scrolling through the news, listening to that lo-fi hiphop playlist on Spotify.
1 year

Shows and movies

I an also recommend The Boys. I need to catch up on season 3 of that. Arcane is okay. Visually it's beautiful, but I didn't feel it lived up to the hype.

I always love a good documentary, especially if it explores unusual topics. I also enjoy a good horror series like The Haunting of Hill House.

I second The Haunting of Hill House, it never fails to catch my attention. I especially love the second series, The Haunting of Bly Manor.
1 year

Girls just aren’t into fat guys. even on a fat fetish site like this

Telling men the solution to overcompetition is to compete harder, is only going to worsen the situation for other men. It's like telling poor people to improve their situation by taking money off other poor people, making them poorer. There's no net gain.

If you see a problem, identify a cause and propose solutions.

There aren't many women active on the site? It's not because there are more men than women in the world. It's not because women want to stay single. It's because the internet and dating sites by extension are a hostile place toward women in general.

If to "compete harder" means making a safe and welcoming place for all people based on a minimum level of appreciation for people, their boundaries, and their individual desires, then yes, it will help.

I agree with this.
1 year

Mutual gaining vs. body contrast

I looooove contrast. There's nothing more cute (to me) than being as small as I am with a partner who is easily double my weight. Taking them out, showing them off, sneaking them little bites of food when we're out.
2 years

What is up with people messaging and then deleting their profiles?

I get them pretty often, best thing to do is just delete them because I think clicking on it wastes one of your free ones if you don't have the upgrade.
2 years
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