What does rabid gaining feel like

I'm curious on what people feel when they gain weight really quick, like 20 lbs in a month or more. I've put on some weight the past couple weeks quickly and I've feel like my skin is stretching in some spots so I was wondering if fast gainers have similar feelings
2 years

Unexpected aspects of getting fat/fatter

For me with my thickening midsection is was the sensation of my body jiggling when I walked. I had in my head before what it would be like, but the actuality is different from what I expected. Like my upper chest going up and down kind of tires me out more than I though it would, my sides and lower belly shake in all directions slightly. It really puts in perspective why when we get larger it's harder to work out. Like I almost want to go on a run just to feel how my body moves, then hit up a buffet after lol.

One smaller thing is just how when one day I realized my stomach became squishy even though I feel it everyday. It just hit a point and I was like oh, there it is
2 years

My preference for body size has gotten bigger over time

When I was younger and really got into this fetish I really only liked chubby bodies. No stretch marks noticeable, not too many rolls, and felt uncomfortable when they were overly big (by my old standards).

Now I've noticed over time I would look at progressively larger girls. Now I love stretch marks, big bellies with many rolls, and my limit on size is double what it used to be.

I'm unsure if it was just my comfort with bigger bodies changing with more exposure or if it was my own weight gain that helped push my instrest to change.
2 years

How do you handle having a partner that hates your fetish?

Me and my fiancée are in a criss crossed situation. She has gotten fat and wants to lose but she knows I do like her gaining. I haven't gained as much as her but I want to be fatter and she isn't a fan of me getting too fat.

It's tough exactly on how this will play out over time. She isn't telling me to start losing weight yet, but she told me she doesn't want me to to have a big belly. She seems to be worrying more about her weight mostly though currently. So I'm concerned if or when she loses the weight that she will start expecting me to go back to being skinny like her.

I care about her happiness so I am supportive about her weight loss, but for me I am happier getting bigger. I will probably gain another 30lbs and see if it bothers her. If not I'll try to make that my set weight.
2 years

What little differences have you noticed recently?

It kinda just hit me today how different my body shape is. I'm only 30lbs heavier than I was before but looking.at myself today I realized how much I've changed.

For one my love handles are now wider than my chest. My ribs no longer show and are covered in a layer of flab. My upper hand of my body used to bee larger, but now I'm getting more bottom heavy.

I feel like I have a whole new body now and it's honestly really motivating to gain more
2 years

Lost weight but the whole time i've been thinking about gaining.

I'm going through this right now. I switch from gaining to trying to lose weight again. I've lost 15 lbs which is still 15 lbs above my weight was before I started gaining again. Though the past couple days I've been wanting to stuff myself and I caved today and bought dominos for myself and over indulged.

I've done this now 3 times in the past 5 years and I've always rebound bigger than I was the time before.
2 years

I want my gf to enjoy bellies more

My girl was disgusted by fat stomachs. Then she got fat unintentionally, it changed her opinion of fat people quick. She still wants to be skinny, but the perspective helped her be less appalled
3 years

Feeling fatter but weight not going up

I've been stuck around the 205 range for a couple months now, but I still feel like I've gained. My jeans are getting more tight, plus my stomach jiggles more than it did a month ago. Anybody else have a similar situation?
3 years
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