How many slices of pizza can you eat?

I ordered 6 regular pizzas after getting the major munchies. My neighbours thought I was having a big party, now they know I'm just a 350 lb gorging pig

holy shit that is just super fucking sexy!, wish I was there to see that!

I'm planning another McDonald's burger binge Saturday, 10 x triple cheese burgers, I love multiple deals
2 years

How many slices of pizza can you eat?

I ordered 6 regular pizzas after getting the major munchies. My neighbours thought I was having a big party, now they know I'm just a 350 lb gorging pig
2 years

420 stuffing

I to love the relaxation part of smoking weed, last Saturday was crazy, I smoked rainbow truffle and it trot like paralysis, after I could eaten a 2,000 burger l. I went with a mate to McDonald's and bought 6 triple cheese burgers, got home and gorged, but I still felt hungry so got a pizza
2 years

The first time that you were referred to as " being overweight ".

I was a fat kid, my parents mentioned it, but friends never said anything, except a kid I did judo with who insisted on calling me fat bum
2 years

Overeating at night is better for weight gain than overeating at morning?

I absolutely love stuffing myself at night, its crucial for weight gain, although I don't have much for breakfast, it takes most of the day making up for it
2 years

Quiz: what's your feeding style?

I'll eat anything as long as I gain, especially large burgers, Chinese, nutella, and anything with high a fat content
2 years

Quiz: what's your feeding style?

I'll eat anything as long as I gain, especially large burgers, Chinese, nutella, and anything with high a fat content
2 years

Appetite boosters

I find smoking weed a massive appetite booster, as you get the munchies, its a great way to make you want to eat, weed makes you feel very hungry. I've eaten 15 double king burgers after smoking.
2 years

Clothing as you grow

I love growing out of clothes, but getting XXXXl clothes in Spain is all but impossible, there is only one shop I know of that sells extra large stuff. Most of what I wear are jogging bottoms and t-shirts
2 years

Does anyone else have trouble stopping?

Quarantine was crazy, I never put on so much weight, when I wasn't gorging, I was thinking about food and what I wanted, snacking was a constant. I'm generally ok, for food breaks, but if I see a just eat ad, I get a takeaway.... Then snack more
2 years
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