Skinny feeder vs fat feeder

I had a male feeder who lived with me for about 6 months, first he had a strange dream where he was feeding and watching me grow, then for 3 months he actually fed me, it was mostly burgers snacks, Chinese and cakes, but I would have preferred a fatter feeder, someone to gain with
2 years

Is it my imagination or are feedees...

I'm feeling excited that one day soon I'll weigh 400+ lbs, I was a fat kid, weighing 140 lbs when I was 10. I've noticed people getting bigger generally in society, its good to think one day people really won't care about weight and gaining will be the next trend.
2 years

420 stuffing

Well I went out to a friends, smoked 4 large joints then got the worst munchies, I couldn't get hold of McDonald's so I got to large ham and cheese pizzas, then chips and fried noodles on the way home, I feel really stuffed, my girth has grown another 2 inches
2 years

Impossibly obese fantasys

I keep having more strange dreams where I weigh about 3,000 lbs, I'm locked in a room on a stack of duvets watching TV and eating. Every so often I'm given a growth injection. They get stranger every time.
2 years

420 stuffing

I'm meeting up with a mate and smoking loads of stuff, then binge time more triple cheese burgers, I plan on 8...
2 years

Cant stop eating

I'd love to spend half a day in a McDonald's and half a day in a Chinese with a full credit card and just gorge as much as I can every day until I get to about 3000 lbs, and so flabby I can't move, one day reality TV will have 'Fat island' where you can stuff yourself for free
2 years

Has anyone done all 10 of these?

Someone did ask me to squash them, it was a fetish they had, so I agreed.... I sat on the person when I weighed 340 + lbs
2 years

Has anyone done all 10 of these?

I've broken a couch, it was old and I was a 200 lb 10 year old.
I've broken a metal frame single bed, I weighed about 250 lbs.
There have been times when I couldn't squeeze into a small car. I've had trouble with bus seats or 3.
Yes I've broken scales, mine won't go past 280 lbs anymore.
I've lost count of bellies I might have 2-3.
Yes I've eaten whole cakes, 4 at once, all large black forest gateauxs with spray cream
2 years

Falling into a spiral of staying full all the time…

I know one day I'll either weigh 1000 lbs or more or I'll be the fattest pig in heaven
2 years

Falling into a spiral of staying full all the time…

I love simply feeling really fat, but when I smoke weed I get an insatiable appetite, I've just gorged on 5 x king prawn choimein/noodles, and I still want to feed myself stupid, feeling full all the time comes with the territory
2 years
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