Usual fast food order and what resturant?

I've ordered 10 triple cheese burgers a couple of times from McDonald's, 40.00 euros is my limit
1 year

Guys who want to be immobile🥰🥰

The thought of immobility really thrills me, weighing over 1,000 lbs and being dependent on others for food and help. I'd be happy just being fed all day until I'm so super fat.
2 years

Stuffing aftercare?

After a massive stuffing binge. I tend not to eat as much the next day, I find it helps
2 years

Annoying things with the fetish

Having to buy bigger clothes can be a pain, and actually having to go shopping can be a struggle sometimes, but generally I love the community on here
2 years

Earning money on eating?

I'd love to make money from eating online, I find technology hard to work, its setting it all up
2 years

Anyone get excited about knowing you're gonna get told how fat you are?

Some man I didn't know said to me, " you're a fat C***" I smiled and said " yes I know, thanks" I get really turned on by people telling me I'm fat
2 years

Absurd fantasy dream size?

I'd love to be about 3,000-4,000 lbs, immobile, just to sit on my super massive bum all day, and gorge....... Lots if ice cream, burgers, Chinese food and chicken
2 years

Cant stop eating

I just started buying 4 litres of ice cream a day, I'm totally addicted to stuffing, the more I see food the note I want, I should weigh about 5,000 lbs
2 years

Most you’ve ever eaten?

I was holiday when I suddenly got the munchies, it started a journey of food and discovery, after smoking some weed, I walked out the hotel, first was a pizza hut I stuffed 2 regular pizzas, then I as walked down the beach front I saw a Burger king, so I orders 3 triple Burger's, after that a kebab and I small Indian take away, it was the most I'd eaten in a while.
2 years

Skinny feeder vs fat feeder

Its not really who feeds you its the friendship or relationship you have with the person who helps you gain, I miss that feeding mutual respect we had, and all the food I gorged on
2 years
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