Fat experiences

Hottest thing your feedee has ever done?

My partner is not into gaining weight, but, she does LOVE to eat.

This past weekend, she got super drunk and then laid on the couch shoveling cookie cake into her mouth with her round belly protruding off the couch as she licked icing off her fingers. She almost finished off the entire thing in one sitting with no utensils......

Ugh.... It's been living in my head rent free for a week now.

Anybody got any stories about your feedee? Any times they caught you off guard with their eating?
2 weeks

Hottest thing your feedee has ever done?

My partner isn’t a feedee but like yours, she loves to eat. Ever since I told her about my kinks, she’s developed a food freedom that is much less inhibited than she used to be.

Just the other night we got large sized Firehouse subs for dinner. We each get a large size because it’s enough to have half a sandwich leftover for later. Not this night. My wife got halfway through and said aloud, “I really really want to finish this. But I probably shouldn’t.” She set it down for maybe three minutes and without another word just picked it up and finished the whole thing off.

Later that evening she had a scotcheroo for dessert. Not 20 mins after that, she went to the fridge to get a Crumbl cookie she’d saved. She was a bottomless pit that night. It made quite the impression on me!
2 weeks

Hottest thing your feedee has ever done?

My partner isn’t a feedee but like yours, she loves to eat. Ever since I told her about my kinks, she’s developed a food freedom that is much less inhibited than she used to be.

Just the other night we got large sized Firehouse subs for dinner. We each get a large size because it’s enough to have half a sandwich leftover for later. Not this night. My wife got halfway through and said aloud, “I really really want to finish this. But I probably shouldn’t.” She set it down for maybe three minutes and without another word just picked it up and finished the whole thing off.

Later that evening she had a scotcheroo for dessert. Not 20 mins after that, she went to the fridge to get a Crumbl cookie she’d saved. She was a bottomless pit that night. It made quite the impression on me!

Oh yeah. I knew when mine started doing the "I shouldn't eat the other half of this Huge Ass Sandwich, but....." that this wasn't gonna be something I had to force. Haha

Mine will always clean her plate when I make dinner, and then ask for snacks later. I've got it pretty easy lol
2 weeks