Fattening others

Fattening my girlfriend

Tonight she said she’s my feedee! I adore this piggy

This reaction would make me feel cautious. Be careful here. Unless she has expressed interests in person and has shown you this feedee side make sure you aren't getting hurt in the process.

I have to say, I have to agree with the sentiment here.

It may be because we're lacking context or insight into your communication styles, but I don't read much enthusiasm from that snippet of conversation--and that makes me worried that either you're being taken advantage of or she feels obligated to go along with this in order to continue receiving your support.

I hope I'm just being paranoid, though.
1 year

Fattening my girlfriend

Tonight she said she’s my feedee! I adore this piggy

This reaction would make me feel cautious. Be careful here. Unless she has expressed interests in person and has shown you this feedee side make sure you aren't getting hurt in the process.

I have to say, I have to agree with the sentiment here.

It may be because we're lacking context or insight into your communication styles, but I don't read much enthusiasm from that snippet of conversation--and that makes me worried that either you're being taken advantage of or she feels obligated to go along with this in order to continue receiving your support.

I hope I'm just being paranoid, though.

OP mentioned somewhere (can't remember if it was this thread or another) that he's into findom.
1 year

Fattening my girlfriend

Tonight she said she’s my feedee! I adore this piggy

This reaction would make me feel cautious. Be careful here. Unless she has expressed interests in person and has shown you this feedee side make sure you aren't getting hurt in the process.

I have to say, I have to agree with the sentiment here.

It may be because we're lacking context or insight into your communication styles, but I don't read much enthusiasm from that snippet of conversation--and that makes me worried that either you're being taken advantage of or she feels obligated to go along with this in order to continue receiving your support.

I hope I'm just being paranoid, though.

OP mentioned somewhere (can't remember if it was this thread or another) that he's into findom.

I did see that, now that you mention it.
Certainly "taken advantage of" wasn't the best wording, in that case. I apologize if that caused harm.

I think this workweek has just got me jumping at shadows. Regardless, OP can make their own decisions; just would have felt bad not voicing concern when my instincts are roused.
1 year

Fattening my girlfriend

I didn’t see any of these posts.
I have known her since first grade, so 28 years. She is very much interested in me.
We chat every single day but can only meet every so often because she’s living with her parents while she’s working on her divorce. We also are trying to be cautious because we’re afraid her soon to be ex husband might get pics of us in public and claim infidelity to try and get more custody of their daughter.

I am not into findom, I have dabbled in it and like role playing it once in a blue moon, but that’s not what this is. This is I got her used to getting McDonald’s every morning so if I don’t send it to her she started asking. It’s all about the food, she sends me pics of her eating it and of her snack stashes she buys.

She’s also my best friend, for 28 years, so even if we weren’t dating o would still be supporting her and her daughter right now. But she is very much into me, she always thought we’d end up together till I got married myself (divorced now) I appreciate everyone’s concern but there’s no need to be.

Thank you for sharing; you two seem to be very fortunate, and I'm glad my qualms were misplaced!
1 year

Fattening my girlfriend

That's so heartwarming! It's delightful that fate kept bringing you back together. I think friendships that last since childhood are very rare and should be cherished by those who have them. Doubly so if it turns out they are someone you can become a life partner with.

And again, thank you for sharing. This post made my day!
1 year

Fattening my girlfriend

How often are you doing scale pics?
12 months

Fattening my girlfriend

Yes - it does - those pounds pack on very quick with the re-gains!
11 months

Fattening my girlfriend

Impressed and excited to see those extra lbs. of fat!
11 months

Fattening my girlfriend

I've just read it all, your story is so cute!! Your happiness made my day ☺️ if she needs it, we're also here to support her!! (even if you're doing the job really well already 😉)
9 months
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