Fattening others

Help me make a grocery list for gf

Hey all,

So my gf recently decided to let me take control of her grocery list

However there's a few stipulations. She's basically vegetarian, only eats meat occasionally. She's also lactose intolerant but still eats cheese/dairy sometimes. Finally she doesn't really eat sweets or desserts

She's a big fan of pastas & vegan meats like chikn nugs or impossible burgers

What are some fattening foods I can buy her that are relatively healthy & mostly vegetarian?
1 year

Help me make a grocery list for gf

If her goal is to gain weight, anything she can snack on between meals will go a long way, and anything that she can add onto those snacks will be even better. Pita chips are good. Chips with hummus or bean dips are better. Pretzels are good. Peanut butter on pretzels are better.

Really though, more of anything she seems to enjoy a lot and can never seem to restrain herself around is a good choice.
1 year