Food and recipes

My current shake

I have been looking for an easy and quick calorie-dense food to help with gaining. I have tried heavy cream with chocolate syrup but it makes my tummy upset. I have bought some lactase enzyme pills, some dymatize super mass gainer (about 500 cal per 1/2 cup scoop of powder), and a stick blender. I already have milk and chocolate ice cream on hand. I put 2/3 cup of chocolate ice cream (250 cal), 3 scoops of powder (1500 cal), and 12 oz whole milk (200 cal) and blend it in a large cup or small pitcher with a stick blender (best investment ever). It is quick and easy to prepare. The result is the consistency of a fast food shake, tastes about as good, and fits in a 20 ounce tumbler. It’s about 2000 calories. I am taking lactase right before I drink it and it seems to have helped. I have been at a weight plateau for a couple of months and I think this will help. Cross your fingers for me!
1 year