Extreme obesity

How to deal with family ?

Your issue seems more an overbearing family problem. You owe nobody an explanation of why you gained weight. You do not deserve to be berated over it. You don't have to let any of these people into your home.
1 year

How to deal with family ?

Hey guys ! Long time since came here, i thought i was ok and could live my feedee life on my side, but it appears that i still have things to learn lmao.

Anyways, i wanted to have some advice or experience from people who already had to deal with their family and their massive weight gain. I personally always had issue with that, and it was getting worse lately, my family never liked my gain and me being like this. I've always tried to avoid conversation about the subject, always finding excuse about health issue, stress and any bullshit i could come with to avoid answering too much despite my weight.

But now i'm going to face a new issue very soon, i haven't see them since almost 2 years now, they live far away and my mother got sick, without mentioning covid problem. We didn't met in almost 2 years as i said, only talked on phone. But now that my mom is ok they want to pay a visit, they were disappointed when i told them i won't be able to come, and they insisted and told me they will come, so i had to agree.

I've gained a lot since the last time they saw me as you can imagine, they were already scared and ashamed about my weight, now it's going to be worse, i reached the final stage of the death feederism game if we can say, living the bed is not really an option anymore. I just don't know how i'm going to deal with the situation, they will also meet my feeder for the first time who is my ""boyfriend"" that's how i present him.

So people who have been through this or something similar, how did you deal with that ? It's my parents and i love them so i can't just ignore them and cut the bridge, but i know they will have a very bad reaction and i have no idea how i will handle it. Don't hesitate to share your experience or advice, i'm taking anything.

Thanks a lot if you have idea or experience

So, your parents, whom you do not live with and do not support you financially, are coming to *your* place.

Sounds like to me if they want to visit you, they have to abide by your rules. Which means you can enforce whatever boundaries you want.

You don't want to talk about it? Done. You don't want to be bashed over your weight? Done.

All you gotta do is stand your ground. Get your feeder to help if you need it. But ultimately, you are in charge here. If they want a relationship with you, then they need to treat you with respect. This goes for every thing - even outside of kink.
1 year

How to deal with family ?

From my experience, you have to show your family that you're happy and comfortable with being so fat, even if they don't quite understand.

My wife's mother used to be shocked at how fat I was making her daughter, and always scolded her in front of me, or told me as the man I needed to put her daughter on a diet. She stopped and gave in when she saw that her girl was completely happy being fat and didn't "need saving."

She doesn't quite understand why a woman would be happy and content to quadruple in size- but she recognized her daughter was happier than ever.
1 year

How to deal with family ?

It’s a shame people have to deal with such weight-hate in their own family. My wife’s waistline exploded in size years ago after she had her first child and has been a big girl ever since. Would be nutty if her family ever wanted to give her hard time about it now :-)
1 year

How to deal with family ?

Is this kink or a lifestyle choice that you have made for the long-term?

I ask that as it's easier to shut off kink temporarily to endure family attitudes as life is short and unexpected as those who lost family, friends to covid found out.

With a lifestyle choice it's harder when constantly in conflict with family and cultural norms. With immediate family, sometimes when the nagging is unbearable you may have to deflect conversation to something they may not want to have brought up or have serious regrets about. Long-term they will not see it as a phase, some may distance themselves from you out of frustration..but that is their choice to do so.

Hoping that after all your family has experienced with the 2 year break, that they will just appreciate their time with you and make it positive knowing there's no guarantee about the future.
Either they will enjoy watching films/tv shows by your bedside or you may have to love them via phone and text from afar.
1 year

How to deal with family ?

I've been scolded by my family for not loosing the weight I gained having kids and even more so for gaining more. I just told them straight I'm a mum of two, my husband loves my cruces and with everything else that I have to do every day if I want to use my 5minute breaks to sit down and eat food that I like then I will. I'd rather be fat and happy than skinny and miserable I walked that path for many years but now I'm indulging.
1 year

How to deal with family ?

Good Girls Grow:
I've been scolded by my family for not loosing the weight I gained having kids and even more so for gaining more. I just told them straight I'm a mum of two, my husband loves my cruces and with everything else that I have to do every day if I want to use my 5minute breaks to sit down and eat food that I like then I will. I'd rather be fat and happy than skinny and miserable I walked that path for many years but now I'm indulging.

Well-put! :-)
1 year

How to deal with family ?

You look beautiful especially after having kids. You do you and just be happy growing that belly.
Good Girls Grow:
I've been scolded by my family for not loosing the weight I gained having kids and even more so for gaining more. I just told them straight I'm a mum of two, my husband loves my cruces and with everything else that I have to do every day if I want to use my 5minute breaks to sit down and eat food that I like then I will. I'd rather be fat and happy than skinny and miserable I walked that path for many years but now I'm indulging.
1 year