Video performers

Hints & tips - landscape / portrait pics & vids

Landscape / Portrait Pics & Vids

When uploading content, we want to ensure that it is of the highest quality. Something to bear in mind is the aspect ratio that conforms best to the FF site. This will ensure your pictures and videos make the most of the page layout.


When you upload a picture to FF, its converted to a standardized width. All photos whether landscape or portrait have the same width on the site, with portraits also converting the height to ensure the image is not stretched and distorted. This is for conformity on the site and makes the pictures section more aesthetic for viewers.

Do note that small files are stretched to ensure they fill the page dimensions, but this will make the image blurry and distorted. You want to upload the highest quality picture you can to ensure this doesnt happen.

** The Ideal Photo size has an aspect ratio of 4:3 (mega pixels can be increased higher the number the better the quality but keep the ratio at 4:3) This can easily be changed via settings on your device. **


In the video section, the standard width setting is also applied. However, because the layout is set to landscape every video is the same size on the page. If your video is portrait, it will shrink the dimensions to ensure it fits on the page. This will then add black border to fill the remaining space. Which doesnt look great and makes your video smaller when viewed.

To make the most of the layout you want to ensure that your video is set to an aspect ratio that will take up the most space of the video layout set on the website. This is easily done by changing the settings on your camera or phone.

**Ideal video size has an aspect ratio of 16:9. Please see below how the different aspect ratios would display your video on the site. **


** Please note that the image above has been cropped to show the amount of black borders dependent on the aspect ratio used. Your video will not be cropped when uploaded so you need to ensure you select the correct setting to fill as much of the video space as possible.

Knowing the technical details above will help you upload in the correct layout, ensuring the picture and video can be viewed at the highest quality, which in turn will lead to more clicks on your content.

Please feel free to discuss below and comment.

5 years