
The fat intelligence debate

I read in the newspaper today that there were findings that suggest that people who are overweight perform worse in memory testing. In previous tests samples of people with healthy BMIs were compared to people who had higher BMIs. It was found that overweight people performed less well than their smaller counterparts. A more recent study was carried out and this time the BMIs were larger in the overweight group and they performed less well than the previous group, while the sample of people with healthy BMIs attained similar scores.

I know it sounds vague but i can't remember exactly what the article said so I'm just saying the just of it.

They believe that this may be due to the hardening of arteries in the brain as this is expected to happen in other parts of the body of an overweight individual. It may also possibly relate to fat cells releasing chemicals that interfer with thought processes.

I know that it is perfectly possible to be fat and healthy so it is possible that they sample wasn't representitive of fat people in general. It may also be possible that the people they chose incedentally just happened to have better memory retrieval than the other group. It may also be possible that fat healthy people are a distinct minority.

I'm just interested in the news stories that play for or against obesity. Its amazing to see propaganda at work affecting how people think. I personally feel that this is quite fear enducing, as its a bit of a flimsey study conveying the idea that fat people are inferior to people of average size.
17 years

The fat intelligence debate

what fat people stoopid, we arent stopid, or we dont have mem...huh? forgot what i was gonna say, nevermind. smiley
17 years