
Fattest of your friends/family

I went form being the skinniest gal in the family to be the heaviest.
I gained a good 200lbs in no time and it was pretty noticeable in the first family reunion by just how much my gut stood out compared to most of my relatives.
I still not the heaviest in the family (my uncle is almost 500lbs) but I'm by far the heaviest of the ladies, and ngl I'm planning on keeping it that way
2 years

Fattest of your friends/family

I’m pretty sure I’m the fattest in my extended family now. I’ve been the fattest in my immediate family for years now.

Friends wise, I have friends that are heavier than me but a little taller so they probably don’t look as wide as I do. I may just beat them all out eventually.
2 months

Fattest of your friends/family

I am the third fattest person in my extended family. I aim to become fatter than those two.
2 months

Fattest of your friends/family

I was the fattest kid in school, the biggest person 99 percent of the time in my college classes, the largest person with my company, and pretty much the fattest person I see in most public spaces. My immediate family members are all thin or average weight, and there's no one in my extended family who is more than a little overweight.
2 months
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