Oscar Alexander

Olympia, Washington, United States  
Oscar Alexander 8 months
Hefty 300lb belly
Just thought I’d show off the new me. Now over 300 pounds!
Oscar Alexander 10 months
Oscar Alexander 11 months
My new stretch marks are taking over
Voluptuouslover 10 months
Looks some serious progress since your earlier pics - wow I think you developed a big Gut!
Oscar Alexander 11 months
new gainer entry created
morbidly obese!
So I passed the goal of 279, my BMI is now officially 40.3! That is so insane to think of how fat I’ve become. I remember passing into overweight territory 100 pounds ago and thinking that was in...
Oscar Alexander 1 year
new gainer entry created
i’m gaining again!
So a while ago I decided I wanted to lose weight. I figured I’d gain again in the future but I just wanted some time to be in shape. It took a while but I was finally getting there, I was working...
Oscar Alexander 1 year
No doubt about it. I’m fat!
Oscar Alexander 1 year
Rounding out real nicely
Oscar Alexander 1 year
God I love how fat I look right now
Oscar Alexander 1 year
New Stretch Marks
Feeling super stuffed, currently the heaviest I’ve ever been
Oscar Alexander 1 year
Why is slimming down so hard
Oscar Alexander 3 years
Oscar Alexander 3 years
Just a little look at my sexy belly hang this morning
Oscar Alexander 3 years
Can’t believe how huge I am
Oscar Alexander 3 years
Had to take this in landscape because I’m to big now to fit on the screen
Oscar Alexander 3 years
Oscar Alexander 3 years
Crazy stretch marks
Oscar Alexander 3 years
new gainer entry created
had an accident
So I know I said I was going to lose weight but things took a turn. I started to lose weight and I was doing pretty well, I went down from 224 to 204. But I had a little accident at work and I was ...
Oscar Alexander 3 years
Didn’t realize just how tight this shirt was until I stopped by the bathroom and work and found out I had been walking around like this all day.
Oscar Alexander 3 years
Definitely stuffed
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